Thursday, September 4, 2008

the beginning, 9/4/08

so i'm being shown i need to begin documenting my "incidents", "synchronistic events", you know, those moments that everything added up in the hour, day, year, etc. to lead up to that moment and you knew it. not only that, you kind of knew it was going to happen but not the way it did. well, that's what i will start documenting as according to deepak chopra, this encourages more of these "events" and provides more clues to guide actions and more possibilities for fulfillment.

we, my family and i, were supposed to go to a town in the mountains today however we made last minute changes due to a detour. being in this town where the detour was made also brought up a lot of old feelings, feelings i've begun to be able to transform to enable a lighter, free-er me. my brain was very busy going back into the old ruts in my grey matter that it used to in this town at another time when i was struggling in every way, physically, emotionally, mentally, and i think most of all spiritually. i was having memories of people that i associate with a weaker, more vulnerable, distracted me. even though, my family and i enjoyed our time at the state forest learning to i.d. the trees around us and having a picnic. afterward i suggested we make a pitstop at a discount shoe store i used to frequent when i was in town for work. on the way there, immediately upon looking up from the floor of the car where i was cleaning up spilled almonds i saw the person who had most heavily been weighing in my mind drive by. it wasn't the normal time that they would've been passing by so i knew there was something to it, in addition to all the altered plans of the day that led to this moment.

the reason and the message isn't completely clear to me yet however i know it will be when it's supposed to be. i can guess a couple of things but for now i'm just going to focus on continuing to transform any emotions that i know no longer serve me into one's that can. i also knew when my husband's cell phone rang on the way home from all of this that the person on the other end was calling regarding an interview for him... it was and we'll see what happens. the article written by chopra that inspired me to begin documenting these events, big or small, as they occur states that as your doing this these events will increase. "and as your awareness expands, you start to understand the way life works... how the quantum domain orchestrates the flow of energy, information, and intelligence to manifest your intentions... you can consciously participate in the creation of your life and achieve the spontaneous fulfillment of all your dreams... it's a miracle we all can experience by focusing both our attention and intention."

i just spontaneously had a thought that may be directing me... i recently applied for a job at a company that i used to always tell this person (that i "just so happened" to see today) they needed to work. i feel very good about getting the job and the wonderful person i will be working for, could this have been my confirmation? could this really be why i felt a strong connection relating this person and this agency together? am i to let this person who i care greatly about know of this position? no, i don't think so because they don't meet qualifications and i don't think that's why what happened did. i think this was affirmation of where this is going for me and i'm very excited! could be more here too, i'll know in time... thanks be to God